Guest teacher, Konstfack
Home ecologies
As designers we are involved in various parts of society. When we process living matter into objects and living environments, our negative impact on society and is of course considerable. This negative circumstance can also be turned into opportunities, arguing that we can develop our profession and field by critically relating to these issues. To approach these issues the objective in this course is to explore how to work with site specificity and sensitivity. We will therefor take-off the design process working from homes, making field studies to sites with various socio-economic backgrounds. From these sites we are going to craft how to unfold home ecologies and respond to environmental shifts from a historical, sociological and anthropological perspective in regard to domesticity. The historical perspective as an outlook on the domestic spaces and its evolving through time, socio-economic perspective to make us aware of how the house-holding af resources affects each household in response to ecologies. The social anthropological perspective demands us to be specific in our research.
Collaboration; Konstfack interior architecture students in year 3, Sergio Bravo senior lecturer Konstfack, Lies-Marie Hoffman designer.